[1] |
柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "スロット放射系の近傍電磁界時間応答解析,"
IECE Trans. vol. J68-B, no. 6, pp. 769-770, June 1985. (レター) |
[2] |
柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "リッジ導波管スロット放射系の統一的3次元時間応答解析,"
IECE Trans. vol. J69-B, no. 2, pp. 171-178, Feb. 1986. |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Unified analysis of ridge waveguide
slot antenna in three dimensional space and time," Electronics and
Communications in Japan, Part 1, vol. 70, no. 7, pp. 88-97, 1987. |
[3] |
柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "カットオフ導波管アンテナの3次元時間応答解析,"
IECE Trans. vol. J69-B, no. 7, pp. 732-740, July 1986. |
[4] |
久々津直哉, 柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "Bergeron法を用いた異方性媒質の基本的扱い, "
IECE Trans. vol. J69-C, no. 12, pp. 1557-1559, Dec. 1986. (レター) |
[5] |
柏達也, 小池章一, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "Bergeron法によるパッチアンテナの3次元解析, "
IEICE Trans. vol. J71-B, no. 4, pp. 576-584, Apr. 1988. |
T. Kashiwa, S. Koike, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Three dimensional analysis
of patch antenna by Bergeron's method," Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Part 1, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 44-54, 1989. |
[6] |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Transient analysis of a magnetized
plasma in three-dimensional space," IEEE Trans. vol. AP-36, no. 8,
pp. 1096-1105, Aug. 1988. |
[7] |
N. Yoshida, T. Kashiwa, N. Kukutsu, I. Fukai, "Three-dimensional formulation
of time-dependent wave propagation in a gyroanisotropic medium by Bergeron's
method," Wave Motion vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 611-626, Dec. 1988. |
[8] |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Analysis of radiation characteristics of planar
inverted-F type antenna on conductive body of hand-held transceiver by spatial network method,"
Electronics Letters, vol. 25, no. 16, pp. 1044-1045, Apr. 1989. (Letter) |
[9] |
柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "パッチアンテナにより励振された磁化プラズマ中電磁界の空間回路網法による3次元時間応答解析, "
シミュレーション, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 261-266, Dec. 1989. |
[10] |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Simulation of the reduction characteristics
of scattering from an aircraft coated with a thin-type absorber by the
spatial network method," Electronics Letters, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 289-290,
Mar. 1990. (Letter) |
[11] |
T. Kashiwa and I. Fukai, "A treatment by the FD-TD method of the dispersive
characteristics associated with electronic polarization," Microwave
and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 203-205, June 1990. (Letter) |
[12] |
T. Onojima, T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Three dimensional analysis
of a through hole with radiation characteristics by the spatial network
method," IEEE Trans., vol. MTT-38, no. 6, pp. 770-778, June 1990. |
[13] |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "A treatment by the finite-difference time-domain method of
the dispersive characteristics associated with orientation polarization,"
IEICE Trans., vol. E73, no. 8, pp. 1326-1328, Aug. 1990. (Letter) |
[14] |
T. Kashiwa, Y. Ohtomo, I. Fukai, "A finite-difference time-domain
formulation for transient propagation in dispersive media associated with
Cole-Cole's circular arc law," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,
vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 416-419, Dec. 1990. (Letter) |
[15] |
T. Kashiwa, H. Naya, I. Fukai, "A new transducer for thermography
to observe the electric field distributions in a microwave oven,"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 81-83, Jan. 1991.
(Letter) |
[16] |
T. Kashiwa, N. Yoshida, I. Fukai, "Time domain analysis of patch antennas in a magnetized
plasma by the spatial network method," IEEE Trans., vol. AP-39, no. 2, pp. 147-150, Feb. 1991. |
[17] |
前田修二, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "FD-TD法を用いた平行マイクロストリップ線路のクロストーク解析," IEICE
Trans., vol. J74-C-I, no. 4, pp. 157-163, Apr. 1991. |
S. Maeda, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Analysis of crosstalk between parallel
microstrips using finite-difference time-domain method," Electron.
Commun. Jpn. 2, Electron. vol. 74, no. 11, pp. 23-31, Nov. 1991. |
[18] |
小宮剛, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "空間回路網法における吸収境界条件の一改良," IEICE
Trans., vol. J74-B-II, no. 6, pp. 382-385, June 1991.(レター) |
[19] |
柏達也, 秋田博正, 霜田英麿, 深井一郎, "ベクトル量を用いた音響時間領域差分法とその散乱解析への適用,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J74-A, no. 7, pp. 1113-1115, July 1991. (レター) |
[20] |
柏達也, 大友洋一, 深井一郎, "時間領域差分法による分散性媒質の定式化,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J74-B-II, no. 10, pp. 523-530, Oct. 1991. |
T. Kashiwa, Y. Ohtomo, I. Fukai, "Formulation of dispersive characteristics
associated with orientation polarization using the FD-TD method,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 1, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 87-96,
1992. |
[21] |
前田修二, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "時間領域有限差分法を用いたスルーホール伝送特性解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J74-C-I, no. 10, pp. 355-363, Oct. 1991. |
S. Maeda, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Analysis of electromagnetic characteristics
of a through-hole using the finite-difference time-domain method,"
Electron. Commun. Jpn. 2, Electron., vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 21-31, Jan. 1992. |
[22] |
S. Maeda, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Full wave analysis of propagation characteristics of a
through hole using the finite-difference time-domain method,"
IEEE Trans., vol. MTT-39, no. 12, pp. 2154-2159, Dec. 1991. |
[23] |
岩渕康司, 窪田哲男, 菅谷幸年, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "マイクロ波漏れ防止用新構造フィルタにおける導体損の影響,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J75-C-I, no. 4, pp. 179-187, Apr. 1992. |
K. Iwabuchi, T. Kubota, Y. Sugaya, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Effect of
conductor losses in new-structure filters for suppressing microwave leakage,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 75, no. 9, pp. 80-90, 1992. |
[24] |
霜田英麿, 柏達也, 吉田則信, 深井一郎, "Bergeron法を適用した室内インパルス応答解析の模型音場による検討,"
日本音響学会誌, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 457-467, July 1992. |
[25] |
千葉修, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "FD-TD法による表面インピーダンスの定式化,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J75-B-II, no. 8, pp. 606-609, Aug. 1992. (レター) |
[26] |
T. Kashiwa, O. Chiba, I. Fukai, "A formulation for surface impedance
boundary conditions using the finite-difference time-domain method,"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 486-490, Sept. 1992. (Letter) |
[27] |
徳田真哉, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "FD-TD法による磁化フェライトのジャイロ磁気特性の定式化," IEICE
Trans., vol. J75-C-I, no. 9, pp. 572-578, Sept. 1992. |
[28] |
大西輝夫, 柏達也, 深井一郎, "任意格子FD-TD法を用いた曲面状マイクロストリップアンテナの解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J75-B-II, no. 12, pp. 957-963, Dec. 1992. |
T. Oonishi, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Analysis of microstrip antennas
on a curved surface using the conformal girds FDTD method," Electronics
and Communications in Japan, Part1, vol. 76, no. 12, pp. 73-81, 1993. |
[29] |
千葉修, 柏達也, 霜田英麿, 鏡慎, 深井一郎, "リープフロッグアルゴリズムに基づく時間依存差分法による3次元音場解析,"
日本音響学会誌, vol. 49, no. 8, pp. 551-562, Aug. 1993. |
[30] |
S. Maeda, T. Kashiwa, I. Fukai, "Time domain analysis of electromagnetic
coupling of three-dimensional circuits involving through holes," Int.
J. of Microwave and Millimeter Wave Computer Aided Engineering, vol. 3,
no. 4, pp. 432-441, Oct. 1993. |
[31] |
柏達也, 田中修一, 深井一郎, "FD−TD法を用いた八木・宇田アンテナの時間領域解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J76-B-II, no. 11, pp. 872-879, Nov. 1993. |
T. Kashiwa, S. Tanaka, I. Fukai, "Time domain analysis of Yagi-Uda antennas using the FDTD method,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 1, vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 96-105, 1994. |
[32] |
T. Kashiwa, T. Onishi, I. Fukai, "Analysis of microstrip antennas
on a curved surface using the conformal grids FD-TD method," IEEE
Trans., vol. AP-42, no. 3, pp. 423-427, Mar. 1994. (Letter) |
[33] |
新城誠, 柏達也, 田頭博昭, "非直交格子FD−TD法を用いた光回路素子の解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J77-C-I, no. 8, pp. 446-452, Aug. 1994. |
M. Araki, T. Kashiwa, H. Tagashira, "Analysis of dielectric optical
waveguide using the nonorthogonal finite difference time domain method,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 77, no. 12, pp. 20-27, 1994. |
[34] |
兵藤健一, 佐々木雅弘, 柏達也, 田頭博昭, "FD−TD法における高次モードの評価について,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J78-C-I, no. 1, pp. 29-35, Jan. 1995. |
K. Hyodo, M. Sasaki, T. Kashiwa, H. Tagashira, "Estimation of higher
order modes using Prony's method in the finite difference time domain method,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 78, no. 6, pp. 28-35, 1995. |
[35] |
岩渕康司, 窪田哲也, 柏達也, 田頭博昭, "FD−TD法による高損失誘電体負荷電子レンジの電磁界解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J78-C-I, no. 2, pp. 65-72, Feb. 1995. |
K. Iwabuchi, T. Kubota, T. Kashiwa, H. Tagashira, "Analysis of electromagnetic
fields using the finite difference time domain method in a microwave oven
loaded with high-loss dielectric," Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Part 2, vol. 78, no. 7, pp. 41-50, 1995. |
[36] |
板倉啓介, 柏達也, 霜田英麿, 鏡慎, 田頭博昭, "任意格子FD−TD法を用いた音響管解析,"
日本音響学会誌, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 606-612, Aug. 1995. |
[37] |
Y. Kanai, T. Tsukamoto, K. Toyama, Y. Saitoh, M. Miyakawa, T.Kashiwa, "Analysis
of a hyperthermic treatment in a reentrant resonant cavity applicator by
solving time-dependent electromagnetic-heat transfer equations," IEEE
Trans. Magnetics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 1661-1664, May 1996. |
[38] |
N. Yoshida, S. Koike, N. Kukutsu, T. Kashiwa, "Formulation of anisotropic
medium in spatial network methods-summary,"
J. Electromagn. Waves Appl., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 693-696, May 1996. |
[39] |
K. Iwabuchi, T. Kubota, T. Kashiwa, "Analysis of electromagentic fields
in a mass-produced microwave oven using the finite-difference time-domain
method," Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagentic Energy, vol. 31,
no. 3, pp. 188-196, Oct. 1996. |
[40] |
Y. Kanai, T. Tsukamoto, Y. Saitoh, M. Miyakawa, T. Kashiwa, "Analysis of
a hyperthermic treatment using a reentrant resonant cavity applicator for
a heterogeneous model with blood flow," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 33,
no. 2, pp. 2175-2178, Mar. 1997. |
[41] |
大西輝夫, 柏達也, 内藤行雄, 細矢良雄, "同軸給電パッチアンテナのFDTD解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J80-B-II, no. 10, pp. 921-924, Oct. 1997. (レター) |
[42] |
保科紳一郎, 宮川道夫, 金井靖, 柏達也, "高分子ゲルファントムを用いたSAR分布の計測 −白濁形状と等電力吸収面の対応関係に関する検討−,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J81-B-II, no. 10, pp. 974-982, Oct. 1998. |
S. Hoshina, M. Miyakawa, Y. Kanai, T. Kashiwa, "A method of SAR measurement
using a high-molecular-weight gel phantom: On the correspondence of
the surface of the clouded region to the surface of equipower absorption,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 1, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 51-60,
Mar. 2002. |
[43] |
伊藤知恵子, 細矢良雄, 柏達也, "ITU-R衛星回線降雨減衰推定法における雨域高度の検討,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J82-B, no. 4, pp. 687-690, Apr. 1999. (レター) |
[44] |
伊藤知恵子, 細矢良雄, 柏達也, "世界的な1分間降雨強度分布推定法に関する一提案,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J82-B, no. 7, pp. 1440-1445, July 1999. (レター) |
[45] |
鈴木康介, 柏達也, "FDTD解析における光速度補正を用いた数値分散補正,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J83-C, no. 1, pp. 15-22, Jan. 2000. |
K. Suzuki, T. Kashiwa, "Reducing the numerical dispersion in the FDTD
analysis by modifying the speed of light," Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Part 2, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 61-69, Feb. 2002. |
[46] |
鈴木康介, 柏達也, 細矢良雄, "FDTD解析における異方的光速度補正を用いた数値分散補正,"
IEICE Trans. vol. J83-C, no. 5, pp. 389-396, May 2000. |
K. Suzuki, T. Kashiwa, Y. Hosoya, "Reducing the numerical dispersion
in the FDTD analysis by modifying anisotropically the speed of light,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 50-58, Jan. 2002. |
[47] |
T. Kashiwa, K. Suzuki, Y. Kanai, T. Tsukamoto, M. Miyakawa, "FDTD analysis of TEAM problem 18 using edge condition,"
Applied Electromagnetics, pp. 21-26, Heron Press, Sofia, 2000. |
[48] |
Y. Kanai, T. Tsukamoto, M. Miyakawa, T. Kashiwa, "Resonant frequency analysis
of reentrant resonant cavity applicator by FEM and FD-TD method,"
IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 1750-1753, July 2000. |
[49] |
打矢匡, 柏達也, 岩渕康司, "複数の偏波を用いて給電された電子レンジの加熱特性解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J83-C, no. 11, pp. 1044-1045, Nov. 2000. |
[50] |
打矢匡, 鈴木康介, 柏達也, "FDTD解析におけるTE波エッジ条件の取り扱い及びマイクロ波回路解析への応用,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J83-C, no. 12, pp. 1069-1075, Dec. 2000. |
[51] |
工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "Non-standard FDTD法における数値分散特性及び安定条件について,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J83-C, no. 12, pp. 1076-1084, Dec. 2000. |
H. Kudo, T. Kashiwa, T. Ohtani, "Numerical dispersion and stability condition
of the non-standard FDTD method," Electronics and Communications in
Japan, Part 2, vol. 85, no.1, pp. 22-30, Jan. 2002. |
[52] |
大谷忠生, 工藤祥典, 柏達也, "Non-standard FDTD法を用いた大型Cavityの散乱解析,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-C, no. 4, pp. 237-244, Apr. 2001. |
T. Ohtani, H. Kudo, T. Kashiwa, "Scattering analysis of large-scale cavities
using the nonstandard FDTD Method," Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Part 2, vol. 84, no. 12, pp. 8-16, Dec. 2001. |
[53] |
工藤祥典, 柏達也 , 大谷忠生, "3次元Non-standard FDTD法における数値分散特性及び安定条件,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-C, no.5, pp. 374-384, May 2001. |
H. Kudo, T. Kashiwa, T. Ohtani, "Numerical dispersion and stability condition
of the three-dimensional nonstandard FDTD method," Electronics and
Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 66-76, May 2003. |
[54] |
工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "3次元音場解析のためのNon-standard FDTD法及びその数値分散特性及び安定条件,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-A, no. 6, pp. 736-744, June 2001. |
H. Kudo, T. Kashiwa, T. Ohtani, "The non-standard FDTD method for three-dimensional
acoustic analysis and its numerical dispersion and stability condition,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 3, vol. 85, no. 9, pp. 15-24,
Sept. 2002. |
[55] |
工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "Non-standard FDTD法における電界及び磁界の双対性について,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-C, no. 6, pp. 524-526, June 2001.(レター) |
[56] |
千藤雄樹、工藤祥典, 柏達也 ,大谷忠生, "Non-standard FDTD法における磁界の位相誤差について,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-C, no. 8, pp. 707-709, Aug. 2001.(レター) |
[57] |
打矢匡, 柏達也, "並列型スーパーコンピュータを用いたFDTD並列計算",
IEICE Trans., vol. J84-C, no. 11, pp. 1122-1125, Nov. 2001. (レター) |
[58] |
T. Kashiwa, H. Kudo, Y. Sendo, T. Ohtani, Y. Kanai, "The phase velocity error and the stability
condition of three-dimensional non-standard FDTD method,"
IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 661-664, Mar. 2002.
[59] |
T. Kashiwa, M. Uchiya, K. Suzuki, Y. Kanai, "FDTD analysis of microwave circuits using edge condition,"
IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 705-708, Mar. 2002. |
[60] |
千藤雄樹, 工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "音響non-standard FDTD法の位相誤差について,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J85-A, no. 3, pp. 410-411, Mar. 2002.(レター) |
[61] |
千藤雄樹, 工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "高精度3次元音場解析のためのFDTD(2,4)法,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J85-A, no. 8, pp. 833-839, Aug. 2002. |
Y. Sendo, H. Kudo, T. Kashiwa, T. Ohtani, "The FDTD(2,4) method for highly
accurate acoustic analysis in three-dimensional space," Electronics
and Communications in Japan, Part 3, vol. 86, no. 11, pp. 30-37, Nov. 2003. |
[62] |
大谷忠生, 千藤雄樹, 柏達也, "損失媒質中のnon-standard FDTD法,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J85-C, no. 10, pp. 889-897, Oct. 2002. |
[63] |
千藤雄樹, 田口健治, 工藤祥典, 柏達也, 大谷忠生, "各種高精度FDTD法の数値分散特性及び安定条件の比較検討,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J85-C, no. 12, pp. 1159-1167, Dec. 2002. |
[64] |
大谷忠生, 柏達也, "複素形式のNon-Standard FDTD法による周期構造型電波吸収体解析," IEICE
Trans,. vol. J86-C, no. 2, pp. 115-121, Feb. 2003. |
T. Ohtani, T. Kashiwa, "Periodic-structure-type electromagnetic wave
absorber analysis by the non-standard FDTD method using complex formulation,"
Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, vol. 86, no. 8, pp. 20-27,
Aug. 2003. |
[65] |
大谷忠生, 柏達也, "損失媒質用三次元 Nonstandard FDTD法の数値分散式および安定条件," IEICE Trans. vol. J86-C, no. 5, pp. 565-567, May 2003.(レター) |
[66] |
T. Kashiwa, Y. Sendo, K. Taguchi, T. Ohtani, Y. Kanai, "Phase velocity
errors of the nonstandard FDTD method and comparison with other high-accuracy
FDTD methods," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 2125-2128,
July 2003.
[67] |
K. Taguchi, Y.Sendo, T. Kashiwa, T. Ohtani, Y. Kanai, "On the duality
of electric fields and magnetic fields in the non-standard FDTD method,"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 148-151,
Jan. 2004. (Letter) |
[68] |
大谷忠生, 田口健治, 柏達也, "Complex nonstandard FDTD法のためのサブグリッド技術,"
IEICE Trans., vol. 87-C, no. 2, pp. 234-241, Feb. 2004. |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, "A subgridding technique for
the complex nonstandard FDTD method," Electronics and Communications
in Japan, Part 2, vol. 87, no. 8, pp. 1-9, Aug. 2004. |
[69] |
K. Taguchi, T. Ohtani, T. Kashiwa, Y.Kanai, "The nonstandard FDTD
method using a complex formulation," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 40,
no. 2, pp. 1448-1451, Mar. 2004. |
[70] |
K. Taguchi, M. Uchiya, T. Kashiwa, K. Hirayama, H. Kuribayashi, S. Komatsu,
"FDTD large-scale parallel supercomputing and its application to the
analysis of radiation characteristics of an antenna mounted on a vehicle,"
Int. J. of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering., vol. 14, no. 3,
pp. 253-261, May 2004. |
[71] |
大谷忠生, 柏達也, "3次元Complex nonstandard FDTD法における伝搬特性,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J87-C, no. 6, pp. 537-539, June 2004.(レター) |
[72] |
大谷忠生, 柏達也, "Complex nonstandard FDTD法における複素誘電率の扱い,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J87-C, no. 7, pp. 594-596, July 2004.(レター) |
[73] |
T. Kashiwa, "Large-scale FDTD computation for computational electromagnetics,"
IEEJ Trans. FM, vol. 124, no. 12, pp. 1129-1134, Dec. 2004. |
[74] |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, "New optimization parameters for
the nonstandard FDTD method," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,
vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 161-163, Oct. 2005. (Letter) |
[75] |
野村壮史, 佐藤和夫, 田口健治, 柏達也, "FDTD法を用いたトポロジー最適化によるアンテナ設計手法,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J89-B, no. 12, pp. 2196-2205, Dec. 2006. |
[76] |
K. Taguchi, T. Ohtani, T. Kashiwa, Y. Kanai, "Characteristics of evanescent
waves in the nonstandard FDTD method," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol.
43, no. 4, pp. 1313-1316, Apr. 2007. |
[77] |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, Y. Kanai, "Overlap algorithm for the nonstandard FDTD method using non-uniform mesh,"
IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 1317-1320, Apr. 2007. |
[78] |
Y. Tange, Y. Kanai, Y. Saitoh, T. Kashiwa, "New heating characteristics
of a radio frequency rectangular resonant cavity applicator using various
antennas for hyperthermic treatment," ACES Journal. vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 269-276, July 2007. |
[79] |
T. Nomura, K. Sato, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, S. Nishiwaki, "Structual
topology optimization for the design of broadband dielectric resonator
antennas using the finite difference time domain technique," International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 1261-1296,
Sept. 2007. (Published Online: 1 Feb. 2007 DOI: 10.1002/nme.1974) |
[80] |
松崎明, 森下久, 野村壮史, 佐藤和夫, 田口健治, 柏達也, "電気材料装荷アンテナの小型化を目的としたトポロジー最適化,"
日本計算工学会論文集, Published Online: Trans. on JSCES Paper No. 20070006, 公開日2007年2月23日. |
[81] |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, Y. Kanai, J. B. Cole, "Nonstandard
FDTD method for multi-frequency analysis," IEEE Trans. Magnetics,
vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1390-1393, June 2008. |
[82] |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, Y. Kanai, J. B. Cole, "Scattering
analysis of large-scale coated cavity using the complex nonstandard FDTD
method with surface impedance boundary condition," IEEE Trans. Magnetics,
vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 1296-1299, Mar. 2009. |
[83] |
T. Ohtani, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, Y. Kanai, J. B. Cole, "Nonstandard
FDTD method for wideband analysis," IEEE Trans. AP, vol. 57, no. 8,
pp. 2386-2396, Aug. 2009. |
[84] |
K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, K. Ohshima, T. Kawamura, "Propagation analysis of electromagnetic
waves in 700 MHz band at intersection for inter-vehicle communications using the FDTD method,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E94-C, no. 1, pp. 18-23, Jan. 2011. |
[85] |
K. Taguchi, S. Imai, T. Kashiwa, K. Ohshima, T. Kawamura, "FDTD analysis of radio wave
propagation at intersection surrounded by concrete block walls in residential area for inter-vehicle communications using 720 MHz band,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E95-C, no. 1, pp. 79-85, Jan. 2012. |
[86] |
T. Kawamura, T. Kashiwa, and K. Taguchi,
"Vehicle navigation system using UHF RF-ID - Vehicle navigation in an aspect of lane support system,"
European Transport Research Review, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 91-99, Mar. 2013. (Published Online: 5 Mar. 2013 DOI: 10.1007/s12544-013-0092-2) |
[87] |
今井卓, 田口健治, 柏達也, 北澤敏秀, 加藤良幸, 瀬川智臣, 鈴木政浩, "マイクロ波加熱を用いたMOX燃料製造時の核燃料再処理溶液設置用スペーサーの溶液均一加熱に対する影響,"
電気学会論文誌A, vol. 133, no. 5, pp. 271-272, May 2013. (レター) |
[88] |
今井卓, 田口健治, 柏達也, 栗林裕, 小松覚, "地上デジタル放送波における市街地道路上の電波伝搬特性,"
電子情報通信学会論文誌C, vol. J96-C, no. 6, pp. 160-163, June 2013. (レター) |
[89] |
K. Taguchi, S. Imai, T. Kashiwa, H. Kuribayashi, and S. Komatsu, "Distance dependence of electric field pattern for an antenna mounted on a car in UHF band," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 2182-2186, Sept. 2013. (Letter)(Published Online: 27 June 2013, DOI: 10.1002/mop.27752) |
[90] |
小松覚, 芹澤幸宏, 長尾朗, 今井卓, 田口健治, 柏達也, "FM放送波の多重波到来方向と伝搬遅延時間のMUSIC推定に関する実験的検討,"
自動車技術会論文集, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 565-570, Mar. 2015. |
[91] |
今井卓, 田口健治, 柏達也, 田畑隆司, 久保賢児, 佐藤永一, "ピラミッド型電波吸収体における形状及び入射角の吸収体内温度分布に対する影響,"
電子情報通信学会論文誌C, vol. J98-C, no. 5, pp. 124-126, May 2015. (レター) |
[92] |
S. Imai, K. Taguchi, T. Kashiwa, and S. Komatsu,
"Estimation of the Incoming Wave Characteristics by MUSIC Method Using Virtual Array Antenna,"
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 146-155, May 2015. |
[93] |
S. Komatsu, S. Imai, K. Taguchi, and T. Kashiwa,
"Development of Tool for Evaluation of Automotive Conformity of FM Receivers Using Two-Stage Method,"
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 170-179, May 2015. |
[94] |
S. Imai, K. Taguchi, T. Kawamura, and T. Kashiwa,
"Numerical study on path loss characteristics considering antenna positions on car body at blind intersection in urban area for inter-vehicle communications using 700MHz band,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E99-C, no. 1, pp. 36-43, Jan. 2016. |
[95] |
S. Komatsu, S. Imai, K. Taguchi, and T. Kashiwa,
"Incoming Wave Estimation Characteristics by MUSIC Method Using a Virtual Array Antenna in Urban Reception Conditions,"
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 123-133, May 2016. |
[96] |
S. Komatsu, Y. Karasawa, T. Kashiwa, K. Taguchi, and S. Imai,
"Development and Application of FM Multipath Distortion Rate Measurement System Using a Fading Emulator Based on Two-Stage Method,"
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 160-170, May 2016. |
[97] |
S. Imai, K. Taguchi, and T. Kashiwa,
"Effect of transparent waves from building walls on path loss characteristics at blind intersection in urban area for 700 MHz band inter-vehicle communications,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E99-C, no. 7, pp. 813-816, July 2016. (Letter) |
[98] |
S. Imai, K. Taguchi, and T. Kashiwa,
"FDTD method as a counterpart of ray-tracing method to analyze radio wave propagation,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E100-C, no. 1, pp. 68-74, Jan. 2017. |
[99] |
K. Kojima, A. Hirata, K. Hasegawa, S. Kodera, I. Laakso, D. Sasaki, T. Yamashita, R. Egawa, Y. Horie, N. Yazaki, S. Kowata, K. Taguchi, and T. Kashiwa,
"Risk Management of Heat Stroke Based on Fast Computation of Temperature and Water Loss Using Weather Data for Exposure to Ambient Heat and Solar Radiation,"
IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 3774-3785, Jan. 2018 (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2791962).
[100] |
中西優大, 伊藤孝弘, 平田晃正, 田口健治, 柏達也,
IEICE Trans. vol. J101-C, no. 5, pp. 256-257, May 2018. (Letter)
[101] |
K. Taguchi and T. Kashiwa,
"Optimal Design of Dielectric Flat Lens Based on Topology Optimization Concept,"
IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E101-C, no. 8, pp. 647-650, Aug. 2018. (Letter)
[102] |
K. Taguchi, I. Laakso, K. Aga, A. Hirata, Y. Diao, J. Chakarothai, and T. Kashiwa,
"Relationship of External Field Strength with Local and Whole-body Averaged Specific Absorption Rates in Anatomical Human Models"
IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 70186-70196, Dec. 2018. (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2880905).
[103] |
Y. Tsuji, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, T. Kashiwa, S. Nishiwaki,
"Two-Dimensional Full-Vectorial Finite Element Analysis of NRD Guide Devices,"
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 345-348, Apr. 2021. (DOI: 10.1109/LMWC.2021.3060179).
[104] |
K. Kudo, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, T. Kashiwa,
"Optimal design of dielectric flat lens utilizing Bayesian optimization,"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.63, no.7, pp. 1978-1983, July 2021. (DOI: 10.1002/mop.32837).
[105] |
T. Bashir, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, T. Kashiwa, S. Nishiwaki,
"Optimal Design of NRD Guide Devices Using 2D Full-Vectorial Finite Element Method,"
IEICE Electronics Express, vol.18, no.15, article no. 20210243, Aug. 2021. (DOI: 10.1587/elex.18.20210243).
[106] |
柏達也, 辻寧英,
"ミリ波NRD ガイドのトポロジー最適設計と新素子の開発,"
IEICE Trans., vol. J105-B, no. 3, pp. 322-329, Mar. 2022. (DOI:10.14923/transcomj.2021JBI0002).
[107] |
尾ア龍之介, 日景 隆, 田口健治, 柏 達也, 井上 都, 増田 宏, 石竹達也,
"60 GHz帯電波に対する生体影響の温熱閾値評価のための空間合成型ばく露装置開発,"
電気学会論文誌 A, Vol.142, No.6, pp. 250-256, June 2022. (DOI:10.1541/ieejfms.142.250).
[108] |
T. Bashir, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, T. Kashiwa,
"Mosaic based optimization of NRD guide devices using binary evolutionary approaches and 2D-FVFEM,"
IEEE Access, Vol.10, pp. 60682-60695, June 2022. (DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3180732).
[109] |
T. Bashir, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, T. Kashiwa, S. Nishiwaki,
"Optimal design of broadband non-radiative dielectric guide devices using binary genetic algorithm and 2D-FVFEM,"
Int. J. Numerical Modelling, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 1-14, July 2022. (DOI:10.1002/jnm.2984).
[110] |
"Topology Optimal Design of NRD Guide Devices Using Function Expansion Method and Evolutionary Approaches,"
IEICE Trans., Vol. E105-C, No. 11, pp. 652-659, Nov. 2022. (DOI:10.1587/transele.2021ESP0005).
[111] |
K. Taguchi, S. Kodera, A. Hirata, T. Kashiwa,
"Computation of Absorbed Power Densities in High-Resolution Head Models by Considering Skin Thickness in Quasi-Millimeter and Millimeter Wave Bands,"
IEEE J-ERM, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 516-523, Dec. 2022. (DOI:10.1109/JERM.2022.3203576).
[112] |
T. Bashir, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, and T. Kashiwa,
"Analysis of NRD Guide Devices Using Rigorous Two-Dimensional Full-Vectorial FDTD Method,"
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol.65, no.2, pp. 447-453, Feb. 2023. (DOI:10.1002/mop.33510).
[113] |
N. Hieda, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, K. Morimoto, T. Kashiwa,
"Function Expansion Based Topology Optimization of NRD Guide Device Using Hybrid Method of Harmony Search and Gradient Method,"
IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 20, no. 5, article no. 20230012, Mar. 2023. (DOI: 10.1587/elex.20.20230012).
[114] |
IEICE Trans., Vol. J106-C, No. 5, pp. 172-179, May. 2023. (DOI:10.14923/transelej.2022STP0001).
[115] |
S. Kodera, K. Taguchi, Y. Diao, T. Kashiwa, A. Hirata,
"Computation of Whole-Body Average SAR in Realistic Human Models From 1 to 100 GHz,"
IEEE Trans., vol. MTT-72, no. 1, pp. 91-100, Jan. 2024. (DOI:10.1109/TMTT.2023.3289562).
[116] |
風間啓佑, 井口亜希人, 辻寧英, 森本佳太, 柏達也,
IEICE Trans., Vol. J107-C, No. 5, pp. 209-216, May. 2024. (DOI:10.14923/transelej.2023STP0001).
[117] |
T. Bashir, M. I. H. Patwary, K. Morimoto, A. Iguchi, Y. Tsuji, T. Kashiwa,
"Guided Mode Analysis of NRD Guide Using Efficient FEM with Impedance Boundary Conditions for THz Applications,"
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 42, no. 9, pp. 3320-3329, May. 2024. (DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2024.3356565).